Why New Mothers Should Consider Life Insurance

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a stuffed bear next to a hand

Any new mother wants what’s best for her child. Sometimes, when a baby is firstborn, it’s hard to think about the long-term future with the immediate present needing our attention. With diapers to change, pump bras to buy, and while juggling pump straps with how to be a great mama, it can be tricky to think about long-range goals and semantics like changing the beneficiary on our life insurance policy.

Now, though, is the most important time to make sure you’re covered. Sadly, life doesn’t come with guarantees. If you want the peace of mind that comes with knowing your baby will be okay financially if tragedy strikes, it’s important to put some time aside to consider permanent life insurance. If you’re a new mom and want to know why it’s important to get a life insurance policy now or how to go about it, read on.

All it takes is one call to get started.


While figuring out how much life insurance you need sounds complicated, it’s really not. You can make a simple call between feedings or pumping sessions to a licensed life insurance agent for a free life insurance quote. The agent will help you decide the amount of coverage you need, tell you about premiums and exclusions, and give you options for additional coverage like money for your child that extends beyond basic death benefit coverage. Especially if you’re a single mom, knowing your child is covered will go a long way in helping you sleep at night. In fact, after signing up for a life insurance policy, the only thing interrupting those Z’s just might be your baby!

You’ll be buying your family peace of mind, too.


As a new mom, you’ve likely done a lot of research for things like the difference between a pumping bra and a regular bra. Odds are that you’ve already found your favorite burping cloth and are settling into a napping schedule for both you and your baby. Life insurance is no different. The truth is, there are no real wrong answers and there’s a right fit policy for everyone. While premiums will go up based on your coverage, even a minimum plan would take the pressure off your loved ones should you pass away unexpectedly. The average funeral costs well over $10,000 in the United States and the last thing you’d want is for your family to be worried about money while doing all they can for your baby.

Crossing insurance off your list means more time with your newborn.


Life insurance policies are as different as babies’. While some are fussy in the morning and some cry at night or some have blue eyes and others brown, it’ll be important to find out what you can expect as a policyholder before agreeing to sign up for coverage with any life insurance company. Basic questions to ask include what your total coverage amount will be when that money will be paid out, additional coverage options including education for your child through term life insurance, and whether you need a medical exam for coverage. Once you’re sure the policy is the perfect fit for you, the life insurance agent will make the application process simple.

At the end of the day, having a life insurance policy you can depend on if something goes wrong could be one of the best gifts you give your newborn. Call for a life insurance quote today and ask about the right policy for you. You’ll thank yourself for it when you realize you have one less thing to worry about and can focus more on your baby. Congrats on your new addition!

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