7 Things to Consider Before Switching Health Funds

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Your health insurance fund can make a big difference in the medical care you receive. For example, while some types of clinical trials are open to patients on all sorts of insurers, others will only qualify if they’re on the correct health provider. That being said, with the right insurance you may not even need to get involved with a clinical trial since other prescriptions could handle your medical issue, too. Before you switch your health fund, here are seven things to consider.

Consider what kind of coverage you’re getting

If you’re planning on making a switch in health coverage, it’s important to know that your new plan will meet at least the same standards that your current health fund does. Make sure to double-check that all of your current healthcare providers are still covered on your new plan before you make the switch unless you’re willing to switch

Think about the waiting periods you’ll face

If you switch to a new health insurance provider, one thing to be on the lookout for is waiting periods. Some insurers have a waiting period before you’re eligible to use your benefits. As a result, if you need to be using your coverage in that gap in coverage, you might be in trouble. That being said, if you’re otherwise healthy, waiting periods will likely be less of a concern for you.

Make a plan for dealing with a gap in insurance coverage

If you’re concerned about waiting periods, you’ll want to figure out what you can do during your gap in health coverage. Some people may choose to pay for any medical costs out of pocket during their gap period. Others may look into specialized, low-interest credit cards for covering health costs. No matter which method you choose to use, the most important thing is to know what you’ll do ahead of time so you aren’t panicking when things get bad.

Keep your current health needs in mind

If you currently have expensive prescriptions, it may be even more important to make a plan for dealing with waiting periods. In some situations, you may be able to get extra prescriptions filled before you transition insurance companies. On the other hand, if you don’t have any pressing medical needs, you can likely make a switch without much second thought.

Try and anticipate the future

Nobody can read the future, but if you have a diagnostic test you’re waiting on the results from or think you may have asthma but haven’t seen a doctor yet, it might not be the best time to switch insurance agents. If you’re planning on switching insurance providers, it’s a good idea to visit your doctor for an annual check-up beforehand. This way, if anything abnormal comes up, you’ll know that you can wait to switch until things are taken care of.

Consider the cost of coverage

Price is likely a motivating factor in your decision to switch providers, so be sure to keep this in mind as you’re evaluating different options on the health insurance marketplace. Getting affordable health insurance is possible, but you want to make sure that a lower premium doesn’t mean that you’re sacrificing quality. Make sure to weigh all of your options when it comes to coverage, and don’t just jump at the most affordable plan.

Don’t forget about loyalty benefits

It’s worth pointing out that some companies offer discounts for loyal customers. Make sure to factor in any potential benefits from staying with your current health fund before you decide to switch away. In some cases, just calling and asking if they can lower your monthly payment could work in your favor.

Of course, of all the reasons to switch health funds, the price will often be one of the biggest factors. As a result, it’s important to know how to compare different rates and services so that you can make an informed decision. One only resource to look into is iSelect. Offering a suite of comparison tools and up-to-date information, it’s easy to find cheap health insurance with iSelect.

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