5 Tips to Prevent Injuries When Exercising

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When you drop a weight on your foot or fall while you are running, you know exactly how and why you were injured. But when there isn’t an obvious reason for your exercise injuries, you find yourself limping to a bench and wondering what went wrong. So how do you prevent these kinds of injuries that might keep you sidelined from your workout routine? These five tips could help you keep those injuries during exercise at bay.

1. Stay hydrated.

Hypohydration is a term for dehydration. This can cause a loss of focus as well as coordination. If you are dehydrated, you could become disoriented and become prone to making mistakes and getting injured during exercise. Dehydration also produces a lower level of performance. Your muscles could become weak and unable to function properly during your workout.

Many health experts agree that being dehydrated during your workout increases your risk of injury because the muscle can’t do its full range of motion. For those in the United States, US News Health recommends 17 to 20 ounces of water a few hours before exercise. Then, during exercise, around 10 ounces every 10 to 20 minutes. After your workout, you will need a full eight ounces of water.

2. Be aware of soreness.

It is important to know the difference between soreness. It’s good to understand your level of soreness as knowing might help you to spot an injury, prevent soreness from worsening, or stop you from getting injuries during exercise. Your doctor will be the best source of information about the particulars of your unique body. Check your health coverage to see if wellness checks are covered. iSelect can help you compare health insurance options to get the right plan to help you prepare for your workout routine.

By meeting with your health insurance provider and choosing the right health plan or insurance policy, you can prevent expensive medical bills and out-of-pocket costs. It’s also a good idea to look into insurance companies that have lowered premiums as a resulted of the U.S. Government’s Affordable Care Act. Finding the right network provider can make a big difference if you experience post-workout soreness.

3. Do warmups before you exercise.

A warm-up does more than get you ready for a workout, it also helps your performance and can keep you from injuries during exercise. A warm-up needs to elevate the heart rate and target muscles that will be used in your workout. Since there is no standard for warm-ups, it’s up to you to decide when your body feels ready.

4. Rest as needed.

While you might feel like resting for a day or so could mess up your routine, it will be beneficial. Sitting out when you’re too tired or sore to continue is sometimes necessary to prevent injuries during exercise. Whether it is for a particular exercise or an entire day, knowing when to rest will ensure you stay healthy enough to continue your workout routine. Your ego may get bruised a little if you take a break at the gym but that’ll heal much quicker than if you have to pay an expensive deductible for a muscle tear. If your body needs you to chill out, listen to it. You may need an entire day or even an entire week to recover.

5. Stretch before each workout.

According to the Mayo Clinic, you should stretch often to increase flexibility and prevent injury. Stretching before a workout will help identify muscles that have tension and that are not ready for exercise. This will let you know that you need a longer warm-up. Stretching improves your flexibility and helps joints move through their full range of motion.

Active stretches like bodyweight lunges and trunk rotations that are movement-based are best for pre-workout routines. These will prime your body. By stretching, you’re reducing the chance that you’ll have to fall back on your health insurance plan due to an injury. This is especially important for active senior citizens.

Taking these steps will help you get the most from your workout and ensure that you stay healthy.

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