What Is Redundancy Insurance?

a person walking down a road

Unless your own occupation is one in which you are constantly in high demand, the potential to find yourself without a job in today's ever-changing market is a possibility that should remain in the back of your mind. Although it can be a rather unpleasant scenario to consider, it's important to have coverage for potential […]

5 Tips for Heart Health

a red heart with a white letter on it

A healthy heart can make a huge difference in our overall health, but how do we keep our hearts in great shape? Here are five, easy-to-accomplish tips for excellent heart health. Quit Smoking If you don’t smoke, you’re already off to a great start. If you’re a current smoker, one of the best things you […]

How Does Scoliosis Affect the Body?

a man flexing his muscles

Scoliosis is a condition that causes the spine to curve to the left or right, creating a C or S Shape. Scoliosis is fairly common, particularly in adolescents, with roughly three million new cases per year in the US. The spinal curvature is mostly known for distorting the ribs, but in reality, scoliosis can affect […]

Transitioning to a Vegan Lifestyle? Here’s How to Ease Your Family Into It

a bowl of food next to a couple cups of liquid

Whether you’re motivated by the health benefits of going vegan or want to make a difference when it comes to the environment and animal activism, transitioning to a vegan lifestyle is a big step for you and your family. Here are some tips that can help make the process a little easier. Study Up There’s a lot […]

6 Ways to Feel New Without Losing Yourself

a woman with long hair

Anyone can reach a point in their life where things feel dull. Following the same routines for years can cause boredom. Unexpected events can take an emotional toll. When your life feels like it’s spinning out of control or needs a shake-up, you may feel like you need to be renewed. You don’t have to […]